Agile Software Development
A gile is a b etter way of building products which is time-bound and iterative approach to deliver software that is built incrementally from the commencement of the project, instead of trying to deliver all at once. Why Agile? Technology in this current era is progressing at a rate where things are changing very fast, if traditional software development methods like waterfall model are used then time to deliver software in market is slow and the market will be somewhere else after that time which will inculcate to incorporate changes but that's not possible in this model. Continuous delivery is not possible in this model. Agile delivers m odern software in iterations of waterfall, it accepts client changes and inculcates them and take feedback from the client as well as the users. There are various frameworks of agile that implement this methodology- Scrum Kanban Extreme Programming (XP) These frameworks follow all principles of ...